In a country like India, where 90 per cent of the labour force is engaged in the informal sector, performing outdoor jobs that involve physically demanding tasks in agriculture, construction, brick kilns, and other similar fields, workers face significant risks due to heat stress, given their frequent exposure to extreme heat at work.
Marx’s writings don’t just propose a revolutionary political project; they offer a moral critique of the alienation of individuals living in capitalist societies.
For all the braggadocio about Bangladesh’s development and rising economy, our nation’s growth has been largely jobless in nature -- and joblessness is a major factor amongst our youth groups, with the youth unemployment rate sitting at a staggering 15.7%
Storytelling has long been a tactic in the toolbox of colonized people. For survivors of genocide, it validates their experience against those who deny that the horror ever happened.
Bhashani did not try to position himself beyond the parameters of a single religion. Bhashani's way of identifying only with Islam, it may be argued, limited his scope for incorporating syncretic elements derived from other faiths into his own world view.