Defend Your Voice


Free Voice welcomes unsolicited articles, poems, stories, book reviews, opinion pieces/ blog posts and other forms of writing that conform to the scope and focus of the portal as specified in ‘About Us’.  If you are interested in writing for us, please write to us  

Words Count:

Book Review: 1000 to 1500 words (book details must be accompanied with your piece)

Essay/ Article (Literary & Non-literary): Within 1500 to 3000 words

Opinion/ Commentary: Within 1000 words

Story: Within 1500 to 3000  words

Poetry: At least 4 to 5 poems to be submitted for consideration. You may also submit a single poem.

  1. Send only original, unpublished works. Please do not send pieces that you have previously published or have submitted for publishing elsewhere.
  2. There is no deadline – you can send your story/ article/ opinion/ poem/ book review throughout the year.
  3. All submissions are to be sent in Word format only. Please do not submit in PDF format.
  4. Before submission please double check your work, and provide sources for, all facts and data you cite.
  5. Share a bio of maximum 100 words at the end of your article, and mention your social media handles if you like.
  6. Free Voice has a zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism. If your submission is found to be plagiarized, you will be barred from publishing with us.
  7. All entries must be accompanied by an undertaking that the piece has not been submitted to any other journal, magazine, newspaper or digital platform for publication in any other form.
  8. If you do not hear from us within 4 weeks, please feel free to submit your piece to other publications.
  9. Presently we are unable to pay our contributors.
Please complete the required fields.
Note: Featured Image Upload is "Optional". It should be copyright free image & size must be 1200(W) x 627(H) pixels.