
Walking into morning’s embrace with folded feet, to become a lotus flower.

With writing hands to close the noise, a silent universe.

showering in dawn’s fragrance, clothed in

the crisp freshness of a  day.

a lover in waiting, the soul puckering its lips for a kiss

the bliss of the super soul descending

the mind consuming the grace of the

divine light

caressing the petals of the lotus.

Morning after morning, the blossom waits for this embrace

immersed in love for Him, from Him, the one she loves who loves her most.

to start her day, washed clean of yesterday

Purity blooms perfect amidst impurities on a stem

the heart savors, the mind relishes life, drop by drop, every single day

how else would she love her master or have him love her.

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Ariti Jankie
Ariti Jankie

Ariti Jankie is a Caribbean author, now settled in the USA. In addition, edited and compiled an anthology titled, WRITE. A retired journalist she also writes poetry and is the winner of the Rabindranath Tagore International Award for Literature (2022).

Articles: 2