Amita Ray

Amita Ray

A former associate professor in English and Vice- Principal of a college based in Kolkata. She is a Translator, Short Story writer and Poet. She has four volumes in Translations (one co-authored) of noted Bengali authors to her credit. She has translated Abanindranath Tagore’s 'Khirer Putul' that is inducted into the Post–graduate curriculum (English) of Burdwan University, West Bengal. She is presently a translator in several on-going projects. She has published a collection of short stories titled 'Trail of Love and Longings'. She has also authored a book of poems 'Until Birds Sing' She is an executive committee member of Intercultural Poetry and Performance Library, Kolkata

A Right Disabled

Bhanu is a mentally challenged boy. He gives company to a boy of a working mother. She is planning to take the boy to a Rehabilitation centre. But, Bhanu suddenly leaves his job at his father's order causing much pain to the family.