Vishnu Gosine

Vishnu Gosine

A retired teacher. His short fiction appeared in newspapers, magazines (The Caribbean Writer, BIM) and anthologies and broadcast on the local radio stations and on the BBC. He has authored three works of fiction, including The 'Twelve o’ Clock Man'. His latest novel, 'SONIA', will be published by JAV Publishing House in 2023.

Ramdeen, the Apprentice

Ramdeen spent several months at the garage learning the ins and outs of a motor mechanic. He quickly acquired the basics of repairing a car, but no money ever came. As the days passed, he was forced to collect discarded beer bottles from the drains. He sold these to the wholesaler, giving him a little money. He did not leave his job but hoped one day, one Friday, the owner would hand him a brown envelope with a few dollars.