Gaza-Mother’s Lap

People say Mother’s lap is the safest place on earth,
And we happily believe in the saying,
Sayings are soothing; they give us courage
To withstand wounds of war and occupation.

Look at the mothers of Gaza,
Look at them clutching their dead children
to their laps, and if Allah wills,
They will meet their children in heaven soon.

Homes burnt, mothers raped, their men died,
And mass graves waiting to welcome the lifeless limbs.

Gaza-mothers are lucky, for they have no time to mourn,
They cannot beat their breasts, their eyes are dry,
Their throats are parched, and their laps are empty
As deserted Muslim homes in Modi’s land.

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I write because there is some lie that I want to expose, some fact to which I want to draw attention, said George Orwell. As a writer, I never kowtow to the whims and dictates of the sacred godmen or godwomen, the political bigots and hypocrites, dealers of laymen, the dishonest and self-serving intellectuals, traders of religions, the betrayers of ‘other’ Indians who eke out a living by their sweat, who are living in fear for being lynched for this and that.

Articles: 137